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female officer中文是什么意思

用"female officer"造句"female officer"怎么读"female officer" in a sentence


  • 女官员


  • We put our best female officer undercover and she got hurt, so
  • Searches of the persons of women shall be conducted by female officers
  • We put our best female officer undercover and she got hurt, so . .
  • Examination of the persons of women shall be conducted by female officers or doctors
  • They were replaced by more subdued white buttons after female officers complained that the flashy gold drew too much attention to their chests
  • "it seems that i have lived through three decades of almost constant change . the educational standards are so much higher nowadays and, of course, there is a much larger percentage of female officers
  • Research by catalyst found that firms with a higher share of female officers had stronger financial performance than their peers in every industry, not just in consumer goods ? and no one has challenged its numbers yet
  • Mr van duijn suggested that police start to issue official undershirts to tackle the see-through problem . an earlier version of the blouse had gold buttons on the breast pockets . they were replaced by more subdued white buttons after female officers complained that the flashy gold drew too much attention to their chests
用"female officer"造句  
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